Title & Legal Indemnity Insurance

Quick quotes, draft policies and instant cover.

Comprehensive, competitive cover from a choice of providers.

We partner with some of the best insurance providers in the market to give you choice

Instant cover online

With over 35 residential and commercial policies available, order online to make sure your client is covered quickly.

Offline solution for bespoke quotes

We can provide bespoke offline quotes when things aren’t quite so straightforward.

Get quote comparisons

Keep on top of your due diligence requirements with comparable quotes from different insurance providers.

Access your policies on the go

Ordering online gives you access to all your policies in one place, download and view them when needed.

Can’t meet the statements of fact online?

For those transactions where you cannot comply with the 'statements of fact' online, our expert insurance team can assist you offline with bespoke quotations.

Innovative software, designed to support you.

poweredbypie is home to a range of clever solutions for the legal industry. Discover more.

Interested in Title Insurance? Our insurance team is on hand to ensure you have access to the Title and Legal Indemnity policies you need, quickly, easily and at a competitive premium.

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Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (company registration number 6029390, registered in England) of registered office Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading RG2 0TD. VAT registration number 897481753.
